The third season of Law & Order aired on NBC between September 23, 1992, and May 19, 1993. This season marked the introduction of Jerry Orbach as Lennie Briscoe, who replaced Paul Sorvino after "Prince of Darkness." At the end of the season, both Dann Florek and Richard Brooks departed the main cast.
Video Law & Order (season 3)
Season 3 began with an unchanged cast. However, during the third and sixth episode, Carolyn McCormick was credited in the opening theme and starting with the ninth episode, she is credited for the rest of the season. This made her the first woman to be part of the cast in the series. A third of the way through, Lennie Briscoe (played by Jerry Orbach) replaced Phil Cerreta (Paul Sorvino) in the role of senior detective. This was the first mid-season replacement of a major character in Law & Order's history; the next would not occur until season 15. This was also the final season to feature Dann Florek as Capt. Don Cragen, and Richard Brooks as Paul Robinette. Both men would later return in guest roles, with Capt. Cragen eventually joining the cast of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.
- Paul Sorvino as Sgt. Phil Cerreta
- Jerry Orbach as Det. Lennie Briscoe
- Chris Noth as Det. Mike Logan
- Dann Florek as Capt. Don Cragen
- Michael Moriarty as E.A.D.A. Ben Stone
- Richard Brooks as A.D.A. Paul Robinette
- Steven Hill as D.A. Adam Schiff
- Carolyn McCormick as Dr. Elizabeth Olivet
Maps Law & Order (season 3)
Notes and references
- Eric Bogosian, who guest starred as a defense attorney in the episodes "Conspiracy" and "Night and Fog", would later have a starring role in the Law & Order spin-off, Criminal Intent.
External links
- Law & Order at
- Episode guide from
Source of the article : Wikipedia